1477 S.E. 1st Ave
PMB 240
Canby, OR 97013
  • Easy calving
  • High fertility and longevity
  • High daily gain
  • Highest meat quality
  • Adaptable and strong
  • Good milking performance
  • Combined good maternal and herd instincts
  • Excellent breeding results all around the world
Experience cow giving birth (9 slides)   Lady Hawk giving birth to Laura
Pinzgauer Country

Fantasy Acres
American Pinzgauer Assoc.
Canadian Pinzgauer Assoc.
The Pinzgauer Journal
Mini Acres Ranch
Cattle Pages
Sun Set Pinzgauer Ranch
Cattle Today
Everhope Pinzgauers
Revels Pinzgauer Farm
Chinook Cattle Company
AgDirect Cattle
KenMar Farms
Wyoming Pinzgauer Ranch
SE Junior Pinzgauer assoc.
United M Farms

Pinzgauer cattle originated in the Pinzgau Valley in Austria and are descendents of the European mountains breeds dating back to the early 1600's. Selectively bred to be a dual-purpose animal, the Pinzgauer has gained a large foothold in the cattle industry throughout the world. From the cold, rugged peaks of the Alps to the blazing heat of the desolate South African desserts, the outstanding characteristics of the Pinzgauer have established their reputation as the "Proven Breed".
Chestnut brown hair and pigmented skin with varying amounts of white hair along the back, tail and barrel are characteristic colors of the breed. Pigmented skin on the head protects eyes from ultra rays, thus making eye disease virtually non-existent. Smooth hair and pliable skin play an important role in adaptability, allowing this breed to thrive in hot or cold climates. Hard, dark, closed hooves and strong leg bone formation give Pinzgauers excellent ranging ability and resistance to hoof rot.
The Pinzgauer bull is a fertile aggressive breeder. As a yearling he will weigh from 1,200 to 1,400 pounds and a scrotal circumference of 37 cm is not uncommon. (Extensive research has proven that scrotal size is directly related to sperm production.) The mature Pinzgauer bull, 2,000 to 2,800 pounds, remains fertile and lives a long, productive life. The docile nature of the breed makes it possible to keep older bulls without encountering temperament problems. Pinzgauer cows are extremely fertile, easy calvers and excellent mothers. Ease of calving and longevity mean extra calves per cow which translates into dollars for the cow/calf man. Tests have established the fertility rate at 91% with the intergestational period averaging approximately 285 days. Ability to perform, even under extreme conditions, has made the breed one of the most sought after from an economic standpoint.
Mothering Ability
Mature females weigh from 1,300 to 1,600 pounds possesing a strong mothering instinct. High milk production and calving ease make Pinzgauer cows an efficient addition to any herd. Careful selection for both meat and milk production has resulted in a female that maintains herself well enough to rebreed early in the season and produce enough milk to wean a heavy, growthy calf. Well-attached udders with good teat formation are also traits of the breed.
With cattle management in the future calling for an increased efficiency of production, the attributes of the Pinzgauer make it one of the most desirable breeds in North America. So, if you're looking for high fertility, feed efficiency, adaptability, resistance to disease, uniformity, lean carcass, and gainabilty, search no farther. Pinzgauer, The Practical Breed.
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